Mar 5, 2009

I. Must. Start. Training.

Life has been occupying my time of late and well the weather hasn't been cooperating either. I am a weather wimp when it comes to training, I just don't do cold. The weather is supposed to be balmy this week-end so my plan is to dust off my bike and go for a ride. I am embarrassed to say I have not ridden my bike once since IMFL.'s going to hurt!!!!


Sarah said...

I'm doing 20 miles Sunday afternoon, if you wanna come along. I'm super slow and not sure if I'll hit 20 because my butt isn't used to being on the bike that long :-)

Unknown said...

You aren't alone in that you're a weather wimp! No worries... it's only March and I strongly believe you need some down time! :)

TriGirl 40 said...

It may hurt a little, but I bet it will feel great, too!!!