Jan 8, 2009

So after 9 weeks of lazing around and getting fat I am finally cleared to train. Not run mind you, but I can ellipticise and bike on a proper bike.

Finally, I can actually put a routine together that does not involve sitting on my butt. I start back with my swim, bike, run (elliptical) next week so when I can run it will be a seamless transition.

Well... that's the plan. Wish me luck.


TriGirl 40 said...

Must feel great! Maybe we can ellipticize together!

Annn said...

Welcome back!
I am totally in for some ellipticizing, but only if we can go get into some fights with police officers when we are done.

tri-ing races not cases said...

Glad you are back at it. Like the new blog facelift too.

Unknown said...

How's it going now that you are back to it? 9 weeks off is a long hiatus, but I'm sure it did your body good! :)