Jun 25, 2009

Mount Herman

Mount Herman is a lovely rolling road in western Chesterfield Co., it's my new local short bike ride and has a series of rollers culminating in a longer steep hill as the road ends. The climb which although short rises from 0% to 2% in about a mile is a b!#ch. Actually I was calling the climb a lot worse names on Tuesday when it kicked my ass! I was breathing so hard on the last part of the climb my diaphragm hurt.

That being said, the best thing about this ride is I can do it from my front door on relatively quiet roads and it's a loop. Perfect in so many ways. This loop will become my yardstick. I plan to do it every couple of weeks to measure my fitness. One day I will ride that last hill without stopping or feeling as if I am about to bust open my lungs. Want to try it anyone?

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